Thursday, August 18, 2011

Open Yer Pie Hole

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We went to the city library today and they have this head mobile made of little hanging books.

Closet Curtain Buttons & Book
I crocheted button embellishments for our closet curtain. And that's the book I got from the library today called "The No-Cry Sleep Solution". Morgana is currently fully co-sleeping, which is really great, but we would like her to soon be able to get to sleep on her own or at least sleep in her crib. I currently have to sit with her through all her naps to make sure she doesn't fall off the bed and we are getting concerned about her safety with her becoming more mobile.

Closet Curtain Buttons

Closet Curtain Buttons

We had dinner at the best pizza place in downtown Salt Lake City. The Pie Hole. If you're ever in Salt Lake, you must go. I had a slice of potato bacon and of pepper, tomato and spinach.

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