Friday, April 5, 2013

Cookies & The Doctor

I made my oatmeal raisin cookies. They are so good!

Little Miss loves them!

Mo read a book to a baby in the doctor waiting room today. She put a piece of sticker in her nose last night, so she had to go in.

Me and Teen Miss have also gone in this week. I won't say what Teen Miss went in for, that's her business. I went it because I had a brief episode of aphasia Wednesday night. I have to go in again Monday. That's all I'm going to say because not even my mother knows that something happened yet, lol.

I'm still working on the dragons for Christy. I got sick right before she left for her out of country vacation, then I procrastinated, then I had my "episode" and have been trying not to stress.

I'm on track for my calorie intake today. When I had the aphasia the other night, it was a wake up call that I really need to get serious about taking care of myself.

Tomorrow, Morgana and I are going to have our monthly sleepover at Nana and Papa's. Excited!

Have a great weekend!

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